Here I am with one of two, twins that is. They are boy girl twins, this is the boy. He is 10 months old, and not growing well. The girl is actually quite plump for a rural Ethiopian child, and only the boy qualified to join the feeding programme. But, when there are twins we take both--This is is first try of PlumpyNut, the therapeutic food we provide and I believe I've mentioned before. He was a BIG fan, it was so cute!! Of course it is just really sugary peanut butter. This picture was taken by my colleague Anna--

Here, on the right I am holding a very sick child. This is her after being in a therapeutic feeding unit for 2 weeks, and now at home with therapeutic foods. She weighs 6 kg (13.2 pounds) and is 26 months old. She is a very sick little girl. Her mother and father are ill, and she is cared for by her grandmother (on my left). You can tell the grandmother is at wits end, trying to help the little girl. Each week she must walk 2 hours (one way) to the clinic to pick up her weeks supply of therapeutic foods. Because the parents are also ill, she cares for the older children and takes care of the home and farming.
That is about all my wee little dial up can handle. Cross your fingers this loads with in one hour as I have to leave then. Hope you are all well.
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