11 January 2006


Okay-so I started the blog, wrote some, and promptly stopped. Sorry. Life just gets in the way. I am officially back in school. I have one class right now, and the rest of my classes start next week. This one class is taught daily and is very intense, but I am LOVING every moment of it. The title of the class is Nutrition in Complex Emergencies--it's what I've been waiting for. It's hard, and the amount of reading you must complete and synthesize daily is quite astounding--but it's awesome.

Life here in Boston is nice. I am extremely happy to report i wore my chaco's today. My feet were skipping with joy. I have decided I don't like the feeling of socks and shoes. I always thought it was just the shoes I didn't like, but the socks are guilty too. They both just drive me crazy and my feet were going crazy. It is supposed to be in the 40's today and then the 50's for the next two days. It's a weird winter, and i'm not a fan of no snow--but my toes appreciate the fresh air.

The trip home was great. Although, like Boston Utah was too warm. I wanted snow, not rain for Christmas. The picture above is from my trip there. These are some of my friends from here in Boston who were out in Utah for the holidays. We got tickets to the Joseph Smith celebration and this is at the conference center.

I need to return to my homework. I am reading an articlesm about dietary treatment in time of famine, for children and adults. Awesome! It's a great time! And, for those of you who possibly have forgotten, I am graduating (it's a modern miracle) on May 21, 2006. I will be accepting presents or cash :) And, let me solemly swear with you all as witnesses, I will NEVER go to school again.

Numai bine-

1 comment:

Denish said...

School is so much fun... especially with you in it! Maybe we all have a selfish reason for seeing you back in school for your PhD... we all love Jesso!!
Forget about executing the perfect paper, or the perfect assignment... they will come to you naturally when you stop thinking about them